Now is a great time to become a part of the Kiwanis Club of Wellington and participate in serving the children and youth of our community and beyond. We look forward to having you join us in fun, friendship, and service.

We meet at noon on the first Thursday of the month at the South Lorain County Ambulance District meeting room for a business and service planning meeting … and beginning in October 2024 will meet on the third Thursday evening for food, friendship, and an interesting program. On October 17, we will be at the Wellington Fire District meeting room with pizza and conversation at 5:30 and the program beginning at 6:00. Rob Skinner of NCWCOM is arranging the program on “Internet Safety”.

Here are the simple steps to follow:

  1. Go to for the “New Member Information Form”
  2. Complete the information in one of three ways:
    • Complete the fillable form online; save it as a .pdf file; and email the saved .pdf to [email protected];
    • Complete the fillable form online; print the form; and return it to Wellington Kiwanis, PO Box 72, Wellington 44090 or the next Kiwanis meeting; or
    • Print the form, fill it out, and return it to Wellington Kiwanis, PO Box 72, Wellington 44090 or the next Kiwanis meeting

That’s all it takes! In the near future, you will be formally welcomed into Kiwanis at a meeting, but you are now a part of the Kiwanis family.

Annual dues for the Kiwanis Year (October through September) are $140; these are prorated if you join mid-year. Is your spouse or partner in the same household planning to be a part of Kiwanis also? They will receive a $25 discount on their annual dues!

For more information, email us at [email protected] or talk to any Kiwanian.

